
Just a little surprise

  We're cleaning out drawers that probably haven't been opened in 20 years and found this.  I can send you copies if you want either on paper or electronically.  Or maybe someone wants the original picture? There is no date but I'm guessing I was about 18 months or maybe a little less.

New Book

  PS Just picked up the new Kelly Armstrong Book at the Library - #3 Book  Disturbing the Dead in the Rip Through Time series.  Life is good 🥰

Good Friday to you both...(again... haha)

  Hello, Friday seems to come around every come? The weather forecast here appears to be glorious for at least the next two weeks - with a flash of some rain and maybe a thunderstorm thrown in to make it exciting.  I always look at the night temperatures of course, thinking of the plants outside and possibly the need to cover if frost might be imminent. 😒 Speaking of plants I took a picture of some of the trilliums growing in our yard. They are at their best right now.  And a few tulips in the garden. The Spring flowers are fewer this year than in previous years, We had only one daffodil.  Greetings on this May 24 Long Weekend...even if it is only May 17. Funny how this "used to be exciting" weekend just comes and goes for me now without much fanfare. I am sure there will be someone lighting fireworks in the neighbourhood so I should hear some bangs bangs. The Village usually has fireworks on Canada Day. Ay present there is no fire ban around here but I feel for t

Is it our day today?

  Well, let us make it so Pa, Be and Cat (our PaBeCat Sisters) Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy 🥰💕🫖

Shower and Reactions

  Good day,  I was happy to read about your attendance at the Shower. And glad to hear that you went to start with, and that you enjoyed the event. And not to dwell on your comments about reactions Pati, but I am well aware of how I have the tendency to create my own stress. I, too, tend to build up my worry and woes to point of physically feeling out of control. I have to watch myself carefully. Not that I go out much, but even with every day occurrences things can quickly get out of proportion. My mantra for this year is upper most in my mind at all times ( Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worked up about things) And please, please, I keep telling myself, acknowledge what is going on in your head, listen to yourself, and gain control. Just reading your comments actually helped me to realize " all shall be well"...😉 It appears to be an inside day today - maybe get another block sewn? Raining and raining ......I am about to go check

Reactions to stress

  Yes, there was a Bridal Shower.  I was in several pictures and was promised some sent to me electronically.  That I should take my camera never crossed my mind.  D ' uh!  The house was quite close and I had no trouble finding it and had been promised a parking spot on  the driveway. There were 20-25 ladies there along with Jeremy. When I got there they were all gathered around a large kitchen island that divided a large square space diagonally with kitchen on one side and living room on the other. The entrance was in one of the other two corners, and in the other corner was a kitchen-size table covered with goodies. There were veggies and dips, small bread buns, sliced meat fruit dishes, Nacho and other types of chips all with sauces, and two large three tier daintie displays.  There were several types of "punches", both alcohol and non-alcohol. The place was very crowded but there were chairs all around the edges in every nook and cranny. There was only one game before

Helping hands

  Kris came for the weekend and Kik came Saturday to help me deal with”stuff”. I was overwhelmed, but they had no trouble dealing with it. No emotional attachment. There was no stopping Kris. By the time he left I was exhausted and he did all the work!  I now have two usable spare bedrooms for when Tim, Cheryl, Maddie and Win come for Jim’s Celebration of Life. And Jim’s goddaughter will be here with her family. Husband and son, Jaxon James, born on May 4th. Jim lived long enough to know that Kellie was pregnant. He was so happy for them. Rodney stopped in today and was taking pictures of  “crap” (in my opinion) and sending them to someone interested in buying them. People have weird tastes!  This week is busy, even if tomorrow only involves going to the legion. We’re ripping tickets to sell on Friday at Chase the Ace. It should be over $16,000!  I have the doctor on Wednesday, news and concert on Thursday and volunteering for the Legion Ladies, our call and meat draw on Friday!  I was